Monday, August 15, 2011

Fixing Java Unix Domain Sockets (JUDS): Too many file descriptors

A while ago, we started the development of a distributed system to collect usage statistics about a search engine (based on Apache Solr) and a web portal (typical Java web application) from scratch in Java, running on a Linux platform. We searched for the best way of implementing such a system, and found really interesting and valuable tips in the architectural notes of LinkedIn's Kafka (a great article describing its main features can be found in Our system is split into two parts: a local component running in the same physical machine that each instance of search engine/web portal and a remote component, that would poll each local component for statistics.
One of the first problems that we faced was: how to connect each instance of search engine/web portal to the associated local component? The first thought was: "OK, if each local component will run in the same machine that each search engine or web portal, and Linux will be the underlaying operating system, then we should use a Unix Domain Socket". The advantages of Unix Domain Sockets over TCP/IP sockets, even on the loopback interface, are very clear (you can see for more information). But, if we will develop using Java, how can we use Unix domain sockets, given that there is no standard way of using them from the Java.
Well, the answer was JUDS ( JUDS provides classes to address the need in Java for accessing Unix domain sockets. The source is provided for a shared library containing the compiled native C code, which is called into by the Java UnixDomainSocket classes via JNI (Java Native Interface) to open, close, unlink (delete), read, and write to Unix domain sockets. We adopted it for our project, and it worked great: the local component may or may not be working, and the performance of the search engines and web portals would not be affected. They open a connection to the local component and send a statistics message without knowing if it was working or not (if it is not working, the connection exception is simply ignored), therefore a failure in the statistics system cannot affect the normal functioning of the engines and portals.
The distributed statistics system was put into production for the first time by our customer, and it failed :). So, it was just turned off, and as expected the engines and portals continued working. After a few hours of the failure, the search engines and portals stopped responding. We analyzed the logs and found the following Java exception: Too many open files.

over and over.
After a lot of headaches, we found the problem. JUDS provides a native open() method in order to open the socket and connect to the server (in stream mode). The code of the native open() method was this (some code cut off):

s = socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_TYPE(jSocketType), 0);
ASSERTNOERR(s == -1, "nativeOpen: socket");
ASSERTNOERR(connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, salen) == -1,"nativeOpen: connect");
return s;

There was a clear error here. The socket is created using the socket() call, followed by the connect() call. But if the connect() fails, the socket is NOT closed. So, basically, like the connect() call was always failing because the local component was not working, the operating system ran out of file descriptors.
The fix is as follows:

if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sa, salen) == -1) {

perror("nativeOpen: connect");
int close = close(s);
ASSERTNOERR(close == -1, "nativeOpen: close connect error socket");
return -1;

return s;

It worked like a charm! Finally, we contributed this fix to the maintainer of the project in GitHub, Dan McKinley, and it has been merged to JUDS master branch.

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